Refresh & Revamp your

health NOW!


Do you want...

  • To elevate your health but you are confused about where to even start?


  • To learn how to detox the right way.

  • The professional support of a qualified health practitioner? 

I have created the two week


detox program to give you everything you need.

A resource that gives you valuable insights on the ins and outs of detoxing the right way.

Let's do it together!  

I'm offerring an online, comprehensive, wholesome, gimick-free two week detox and I'm gonna have your back - I'll be walking every step with you.

It will be an opportunity to push a 'reset button' on your health. Dive deep and clean up your insides. Your body will thank you for it.

This is NOT just another fad detox - this is the REAL deal!

No juice or water fasts. No quick fix potions or tablets. This is an opportunity to give your health the boost it needs with a Naturopathic endorsed program that really works.

If you are feeling...

  • Frumpy

  • Fatigued

  • Achy

  • Foggy 

Then the two-week Refresh and Revamp Detox Program could be your solution.

Start to...

  • Lose that stubborn weight

  • Feel more energetic

  • Reduce pain

  • Ease digestive discomfort

  • Gain a little extra va va voom!


Normally you could only access this kind of Naturopathic detoxification program through one-on-one consultations.

But I have found a way to bring it to you... 

What I have done, is put together the most amazing resources, support, and advice in an online format - so that you can access it from anywhere around the world.

 Once you sign up and purchase the

'Refresh & Revamp Detox' you will instantly gain LIFETIME access to all the resources via your very own membership page.


Detox guidelines,

Recipes and meal planning,

Ritual sheets,

Symptom trackers,

Detox hacks and tips to ensure success!

(You will have a LIFETIME ACCESS to these resource so you will be able to pop back in and utilise the information whenever you feel the need to.)

You will also get access to a private pop-up Facebook group, where you will connect with myself and other participants.

You will not be alone.

You will get access to all the tips and tricks from previous participants and even my journey over the two weeks.

(All super inspiring and motivating, of course πŸ˜‰.)

Get instant access to a comprehensive Detox guide - learn all about the why's and how's of detoxification. 

No gimmicks or fad diets involved.

Do it all with simple dietary and lifestyle modifications. Learn about the '8 STEPS TO DETOX SUCCESS'.

Get instant access to a resource packed Detox Workbook. 

Jam packed with cheat sheets, tips, tricks, quick reference guides, templates and worksheets.

ALSO, incudes over 35 DETOX FRIENDLY RECIPES for easy meal planning and food preparation ideas.

Let me explain a bit more about the program and what it is all about...

Do you feel like you need more?

Are you struggling with...

  • Low Energy
  • Hormone Issues (such as PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, or PMS)
  • Gut Complaints, or 
  • Losing Weight


Then I have some EXTRA RESOURCES to help you on your way!


I have lovingly created the additional material to help you adjust your journey to achieve some more specific results.

You will get a bonus summary 'cheat sheet' and then a two day sample planner, which includes targeted suggestions around nutrition, timing of meals, and exercise routines that will work best for the most ideal results.  

It is the perfect blueprint to help you feel better in no time!  

If you are tired of dragging yourself through your day, and some super charged energy is what you are craving, then there are some really simple switches and tweaks to the detox guidelines that can make a world of difference.

If you have an additional focus on these elements then you will be on your way to feeling more energetic in no time...

Hormonal imbalances can present themselves very differently in different individuals, but there are some solid foundational concepts that will set you up for a more ideal hormonal balance overall.

If you have an additional focus on these elements then you will be on your way to feeling more hormonally stable, consistent and predictable in no time...

If you have found yourself carrying excess kilos and struggling to lose weight successfully, then some simple adjustments to the general detox guidelines could be a game changer for you.

If you have an additional focus on these elements then you will be on your way to feeling lighter and leaner in no time...

A healthy gut is essential to life - often there can be issues with microbiome diversity, dysbiosis, parasites, infections, poor digestive capacity, and dysregulated gut barrier function underlying poor gut health.

If you have an additional focus on these elements then you will be on your way to better gut health in no time...

Are you ready to push a re-set button?


resources for only



About me...

I have worked for more than 18 years in the Health and Fitness industry. During this time, I have developed a passion for empowering women with a greater understanding of their health - guiding them on a journey to discover the health solutions they need to transform their wellness.  

I passionately believe in an integrated and personalised treatment approach. To achieve this I combine my expansive knowledge of nutritional science, botanical medicine, and supplements, along with the appropriate pathology testing and lifestyle modifications to support the transformation of my patients’ health. I love enlightening women of all ages with essential knowledge about their miraculous hormonal mastery. Educating women on alternative treatment approaches to their common health issues is a special part of my practice.  

I have a special interest in hormonally-driven weight-loss resistance and fatigue management – I have supported countless women reclaim their glowing confidence and have successfully guided them towards a level of health that allows them to engage with their true health potential.  

I am a mum to three β€˜little people’ and wife to a FIFO husband. In my spare time I enjoy getting outdoors in the sunshine and engaging in anything that allows me to explore my creative side. 


Never felt better!

"The Detox Food List is so helpful when I am shopping and the recipes I have tried are delicious and so different to my usual meals - learning to love quinoa.  

Thank you so much for sharing your expertise with so many women to help us stay healthy, youthful and full of energy.  

A young at heart and now energetic Vicki ... thanks to Melissa’s Detox."

- V.W. February 2020


Amazing advice.

"I have been watching the Facebook videos and loving the info you are sharing, thank you.

The information isn't just beneficial for the detox period but gives me lots of things to consider on an ongoing basis."

- A.C. February 2020


A trusted source.

"Just what I was looking for and from a trusted source."

- M.Q. February 2020


Proven Results.

"I have done the detox before and lost 3kg. Can’t wait to do it again!"

- J.M. February 2020

Sign up NOW to receive all these valuable resources...



Frequently asked questions...

The mere mention of a 'DETOX' can stir up some polarising opinions...and I truly believe that it is because there are detoxification-misconceptions out there. There are lovers and haters...and the conversation around detoxification can conjure up some intense responses. There are people who truly (hand-on-heart) believe that doing a detox is completely unnecessary and just a well promoted gimmick. The real truth is that this CAN be the case -there are a mountain of well marketed "detox programs" out there that are a waste of your time and will have no lasting health benefits - in fact some can actually be more devastating to your health and can cause more issues down the road!

So how do you know what is right for you? πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

I'm here to help you make sense of it all and help you to navigate your way through this potentially beneficial approach to resolving your health issues.

Why do I even need to consider a detox?

The first thing I want you to understand is that your body is detoxing every single day of your life weather you want it to or not.

Detoxification is as vital for life as breathing and digesting, and it happens passively without you needing to do anything. So why would you even need to even "do a detox"? πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ "Doing a detox" is all about giving your body a partial break from everyday exposures while supporting detoxification pathways (involving the liver, kidneys, gut and lymphatic system) to be more efficient. This allows your body to get ahead of the game instead of just treading water - as over time the junk and toxicity that you have been exposed to may have been more than what your body could handle - so there becomes a back-log of junk that needs to be cleaned up. This is where it can take a toll on your health.  

Doing a properly put together comprehensive detox can be a complete game changer - I have seen the amazing results time and time again!

What are the principles of detoxing?

There are so many different approaches to detoxing available out there. I am a big believer in a NO gimmick approach!  

πŸ™…πŸ»β€β™€οΈ No juice fasting  

πŸ™…πŸ»β€β™€οΈ No going without real food  

πŸ™…πŸ»β€β™€οΈ No specific soup that you need to eat for days on end  

πŸ™…πŸ»β€β™€οΈ No special lemon concoction and  

πŸ™…πŸ»β€β™€οΈ No nutritionally pointless supplements.  

When you are doing a beneficial detox you will need to still eat nutritious real food, drink lots of fluids, keep moving, and be kind and gentle to yourself.  

The overall principle is to reduce the toxic junk coming in and make specific choices that allow your innate detoxification processes to work efficiently. It is that simple!

I've heard that people will feel like crap when they start a detox, is this true?

This can be the case - but this is one of the biggest signs that the detox is NOT effective for you!  

I have often talked to people who did a detox and felt awful for the first couple days (or more). They wrongly thought that this was to be expected and that if they pushed through it they would come out the other end knowing that the detox had been a complete success. No pain no gain right?!? WRONG!!!  

If you are approaching detoxification in a health benefiting way then your body will be thanking you for it and you should only be feeling improvements in your energy, pain levels, gut function, sleep, and skin health. No suffering necessary!

Do I have to put my life on hold?

Definitely NOT!  

Life goes on and you should feel like you are able to participate.  

In saying that, I do generally recommend that you focus on your detox at time where the social calendar is clear. This can make it easier to avoid some of the temptations (like alcohol) that tend to accompany social outings.  

To set you up for success, you may need to prepare for some alternative choices if you are going out to dinner or heading to a social function. If you spend some time planning before hand there is no reason why you can not still have a great time and still support detoxification the way you need to.

Β© Copyright 2021, Melissa Hohaia | Naturopath